POST-375: Benetan gertatu zen NTRren istorioak, bisitatzera nola etorri zen kontatzen duen istorioak eta osaba Sr./Sra.-k bere ospitaleko gela berean zegoen (perlaz) handi bat erakutsi zion, eta 2 "Ohe azpian ezkutatzen banuen, harritzeko... Ez nekien horrela izango zenik...

The story of the NTR cuckolding that really happened, the story of how she came to visit her and was shown a big (with pearls) by her uncle Mr./Ms. who was in the same room as her hospital and was cuckolded 2 "If I was hiding under the bed to surprise her ... I didn't know it would be like this..."

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Estreinaldi data: 02/01/2017
Betearazpena: 220 min
Ikasketa: Red