VRTM-232: -Aita bat, denbora luzean elkarrekin bizitzen hasi den tetonako alaba baten trajeak ikusia! - Nire alabari afrodisiako bat ematen diodanean, gorputz sentibera bihurtzen da, eta ukitzearekin sentitzen dut! -Askotan injekzio baginala, amak ezkutaturik mugitzen den esne handiaz gozatzen duen bitartean!

- A father who estrus in the cleavage glimpsed from the suit of a busty daughter who has started living together for the first time in a long time! - When I give my daughter an aphrodisiac, it becomes a sensitive body that I feel just by touching it! - Vaginal shot many times while enjoying the big milk that shakes greatly hidden by her mother!

Estreinaldi data: 02/10/2017
Betearazpena: 180 min
Ikasketa: V&R PRODUCE