HUNTA-290: - "Chinchin Crisis One-Shot Game"! 2 Ni naiz transferitu nuen eskolan gizon bakarra! - Horrelako ingurune batean, modu naturalean atentzioa ematen dizun pantxira batean erekzio bat lortzen baduzu, neska batek nabaritu egingo zaitu eta"Krisi-aldi bakarreko jokoaren" helburua bilakatuko zaitu. * Jolas honetan, neskak txandaka txandaka ari dira nire Ji Po estimulatzeko, eta txipirorarazten nauen pertsonak galdu egiten du!
- in "Chinchin Crisis One-Shot Game"! 2 I'm the only man at the school I transferred to! - In such an environment, if you get an erection on a panchira that naturally catches your eye, you will be noticed by a girl and become the target of the "Crisis One-Shot Game"! * In this game, the girls take turns stimulating my Ji Po and the person who makes me squid loses!