SDMU-575: Lehen urteko ikasle berria JD alaba× aita ama, ispilu magikoaren atzean! 18 urterako bakarrik! Sartzeko zeremonia egin eta berehala, unibertsitateko ikasle baten alabak eta haren aitak, Sr. / Sra. / Sra. Alaba helduaren gorpua ukitu zuen aitak arrazoia galdu zuen, eta ispilu magikotik ikus dezakeen amaren aurrean...

Monitoring New first-year student JD daughter× father Mother Mr./Ms. behind the magic mirror! Only for 18 years old! Immediately after the entrance ceremony, the daughter of a female college student and her father Mr./Ms. challenge an H mission in a closed room with only two people! The father who touched the body of his grown daughter lost his reason and in front of his mother who can see through the magic mirror ...

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Estreinaldi data: 04/20/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: SOD Create