SW-480: Goi-mailako langile bat, enpresan hegaldi handiko automobila dela esaten duena, Ji Po-ko eguzkiarekin zapuztuta! -Niri apuntatu nion, buru ahula baitzen, eta nire lankideek ikusi ezin zuten leku batean erekzio bat izatera behartu nintzen. Hemendik aurrera, emakume helduentzako sexu-prozesamendurako tresna gisa lan egingo dut!

A senior female employee who is rumored to be a high-flying car in the company is frustrated with Ji Po sunshine! - I aimed at me, who was weak-minded, and forced me to get an erection in a place where my colleagues could not see it. From now on, I will go to work as a sexual processing tool for female seniors!

DVD-ID: SW-480
Estreinaldi data: 04/20/2017
Betearazpena: 118 min
Ikasketa: SWITCH