SW-481: Nire ahizpak arropaz aldatzen dira nire anaia gazteenaren aurrean," Oraindik neskatoa naiz" eta nire barruko arropa eta biluztasuna" O, haur hau handiagoa egiten ari da!" - Bere ahizpa nagusiak, Ji Po kementsuak hunkituta, gelditu eta jolastu egin ziren, eta bakarrik egon bezain laster, emakume bihurtu ziren.

Dream incest My sisters change clothes in front of my younger brother, "I'm still a child" and show my underwear and nakedness as much as I want "Oh, this kid is getting bigger!" - Her older sisters, who were excited by the energetic Ji Po, stopped by and played, and as soon as they were alone, they turned into women

DVD-ID: SW-481
Estreinaldi data: 05/03/2017
Betearazpena: 180 min
Ikasketa: SWITCH