SCPX-204: "Egia al da umeei pantxira gustatzen zaiela...?" -Lotsatia naiz, beraz, froga-banku egokia da klaseko neskatoek gauza lotsagarriak probatzeko. Txorakeria! Metamorfosia! Madarikatuta nengoen bitartean, deabru txiki bat nahigabetu zuten, eta nire Ji 19: 00etan lehertzeko zorian zegoen! - S ◣ X-ren praktikan lagundu zidaten bizitzaren erdiraino...
"Is it true that boys like panchira ...?" - I'm shy, so it's just the right test bed for the girls in the class to try out embarrassing things. Lewd! Metamorphosis! While being cursed, a small devil was provoked, and my Ji ● Po was on the verge of erupting! - I was accompanied to the practice of S ● X until the middle of the life ...