OYC-118: Eman pausoa eta egin ezazu AV baimenik gabe! Lagun eder batek ekarri zuen Kawaiko-chan, holo-borratxera egoeran zegoena! Horietako bat oso kikagoa da, baina besteak mutil-laguna du eta zuhurra da! Jakina, erregearen joko ospetsua arbuiatua da! - Hain emakume zuhurra [jolas gehiago eta gehiago] 4

Take the plunge and make it AV without permission! A super handsome friend brought Kawaiko-chan who was already in a state of holo-drunkenness! One of them is super reluctant, but the other has a boyfriend and is guarded! Naturally, the super famous king game is rejected! - Will such a guarded woman be able to [more and more games]? 4

Estreinaldi data: 06/19/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min