NKKD-036: Udaberri honetan unibertsitatean egin ahal izan nuen debutaren istorioa da hau, eta nire neska-laguna, JD super linda eta alaia, Takemaru senpai DQNk ikusi zuen, eta hurrengoan Naon hori ekarriko nuela mehatxu egin zidaten, eta nire neska-lagun garrantzitsua DQNko bilera-lekura, Yuri Asada, eraman behar izan nuen.

Disgusting caution This is the story of when I was able to make my college debut this spring, and my super cute and cheerful JD girlfriend was seen by the local DQN Takemaru senpai, and I was threatened to bring that Naon next time, and I had no choice but to take my important girlfriend to the DQN hangout Yuri Asada

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Estreinaldi data: 07/13/2017
Betearazpena: 120 min
Aktorea: Yuri Asada
Ikasketa: JET Eizo