HUNTA-326: Emakumeekin zerikusirik ez duen landa-bizitza bizi izan dut, baina hirian partekatutako etxe batera aldatu nintzenean, neska asko zeuden eta ni nintzen gizon bakarra! Alokairu baxua zuen etxe batera aldatu nintzen, hirian prestakuntza-eskola batera joateko, baina landan sekula ikusi ez nituen neska sexyz beteta nengoen.
I've lived a life in the countryside that has nothing to do with women, but when I moved into a share house in the city, there were many spear gals and I was the only man! I moved to a share house with a low rent to attend a prep school in the city, but it was full of sexy gals that I had never seen in the countryside.