HUNTA-337: Zorte on!! Gortinak irekitzen dituzunean, kalearen bestaldeko gela erizain ezkongabeen logela bat da! Unibertsitatera joateko aldatu nintzen kalearen beste aldeko gela, sexu-gosea pilatu duen libido-erizain baten ezkongabe-logela bat da, eta hainbat gauza ikus ditzaket leihoan zehar! Nesken jaiak ikus ditzakezu, arropa aldatu, masturbatu eta lesbianak nahi duzun guztia! Horretaz gain...

Super lucky!! When you open the curtains, the room across the street is a nurse bachelor dormitory! The room across the street where I moved to go to college is a bachelor dormitory of a libido nurse who has accumulated sexual desire, and I can see various things through the window! You can watch girls' parties, changing clothes, masturbation, and lesbians as much as you want! On top of that...

Estreinaldi data: 08/19/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter