UMSO-162: - Deriheruri deitzen badiozu, zure ikaskideekin bilduko zara! - Madonna, bere biluztasuna erakutsi behar ez duen harreman bat duen klase zahar bat, prostituta batean erori zen... "Ez diot inori esango" eta hala egin nuen, nahiz eta ekoizpena debekatuta egon!

- If you call Deriheru, you will be reunited with your classmates! - Madonna, a former class with a relationship that is not supposed to show her nakedness, fell into a prostitute ... I said "I won't tell anyone" and did it even though the production was prohibited! !!

Estreinaldi data: 10/13/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce