HUNTA-383: Ez da nahikoa behin tiro egitea! - Mozkortuta eta nagi, baina bere arrebaren atzetik doa, askotan sentiberatasun eta-tiro handiagoa baitu. Nire arreba oso ederra eta serioa da, lan egin dezakeena, eta ez du txiste txarrik esaten. Baina ahultasun bat... -Oso ahula da alkoholean, eta alkohol pixka batekin erotiko bihurtzen da! -Hasi niri iseka egiten, birjina naizela esanez...

It's not enough to fire it once! - She is drunk and sluggish, but she chases her sister who has increased sensitivity and vaginal shot many times! My sister is super beautiful and super serious who can work and doesn't say bad jokes at all. But there is one weakness... - She is very weak in alcohol and becomes super erotic with a little alcohol! - Start teasing me that I'm a virgin ...

Estreinaldi data: 12/07/2017
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter