VRTM-312: -"Zure aitaren Sra./ Sra.-a ona ez bada, egingo dut!" - Seme batek bere amabitzari eskatzen dio gona doitu bat erabil dezala, infertilitate-tratamenduan:" Anaia gazte bat nahi dut..."! Hazirik gabeko aita baten ordez, seme bat, Ji Po gordina! -Askotan, edozein unetan haurdun egon daitekeen jaiotza-mota handi bat uhintzen duen bultzada demoniako gordineko pistoi batekin ezarri arte!
- "If your father's Mr./Ms. is no good, I'll do it!" - A son begs his mother-in-law who wears a tight skirt during infertility treatment, "I want a younger brother ..."! Instead of a seedless father, a son inserts raw Ji Po! - many times until implantation with a brute demon thrust piston that ripples the super cheap birth type big butt that can be pregnant at any time!