HUNTA-387: "Minutu batez gustatuko natzaizu!" Emakumez betetako etxe partekatu bateko arau bakarra da etxeko lanak bultzatzen dituen neskak nahi duena egiten utziko duela minutu batez. Berriki aldatu dudan etxe partekatua mirariz beterik neska ederrez! Noski, irudiak bikainak dira, baina...

"You can just like me for one minute!" The only rule in a share house full of women is that the girl who pushes the housework will let the man who pushed her do whatever she wants for one minute. The share house I recently moved into is miraculously full of cute girls! Sure, the visuals are great, but...

Estreinaldi data: 12/19/2017
Betearazpena: 325 min
Ikasketa: Hunter