NKKD-064: - Nire emazte serioa, duela bi urte senarraren apartamentua gogoz kontra bisitatu zuena, eta esan zuen duela bi urte dibortziatu egin zela, joko-zor zorren ondorioz, dibortzio-bitartekaritzako dokumentuetan zigilua behar zuelako, eta nire emazte serioa, bere aurreko senarrak gurtu zuena, deprimituta zegoena eta ezin nion uko egin, eta nik ezin nion uko egin.
- My serious wife who reluctantly visited her husband's boro apartment two years ago who said that she was divorced two years ago due to gambling crazy debts because he needed his seal on the divorce mediation documents, and my serious wife who was worshipped by her previous husband who was depressed and couldn't refuse it, and I couldn't refuse it.