HUNTA-396: -Ezustekoa, azkar hazten ari den ahaide baten arrebaren ahizparen handian! Harritu egin ninduen nire ahaidearen ahizpa zaharrena, nire etxera luzaroan lehen aldiz etorri zena, polita izatea eta buztan handiak izatea! Harritu egin ninduen hamarkadetan lehen aldiz ezagutu nituen nire ahaideen ahizpa zaharrenak hain politak eta tetonak izateak, non ezin nituen ikusi! Gainera, oso babesik gabe, eta eskotea aipatu gabe...
- A surprise erection on the big of a rapidly growing relative's sister! I was surprised that my relative's older sister who came to my house for the first time in a long time was cute and had big breasts! I was really surprised that the older sisters of my relatives who I met for the first time in decades were so cute and busty that I couldn't see them! Moreover, it is super defenseless and not to mention the cleavage ...