HUNTA-394: Amari eskerrak, gauza bihurriak egiten ditut egunero nire ama adiskideekin. - Bere seme hikikomoriaren aginduei men egiten dien ama bat. Ez dut irten nahi, baina AV bat alokatu behar izan nuen, nire semeak eskatuta, beste batzuek baino sexu-desira handiagoa baitu, eta esaldiaren amaieran, gainera, bat eta bestea ere eman nituen... Ekartzen ez banauzu, gaur emango diot amari baginako injekzio bat.

Thanks to my mother, I do naughty things every day with my mom friends. - A mother who absolutely obeys the orders of her hikikomori son. I don't want to go out, but I was forced to rent an AV at the behest of my son, who has more sexual desire than others, and at the end of the sentence, I even gave a and a ... If you don't bring me, I'll give my mom a vaginal shot today.

Estreinaldi data: 01/07/2018
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter