HUNTA-579: -Alde egin ezazu zure arrebarekin! Ezin nuen jasan nire arrebaren fardelak, konturatu eta erekzio bat izan baino lehen hazten ari baitzen! -Pentsatu nuen ez nuela nire haur-ahizpa etxean interesatuta, baina egun batean, nire arreba bainuan sartu zen! Bainujantzian etorri zen eta bizkarra garbituko zuela esan zuen! Ez dut hori esaten... Dirudienez, lagunak...

- Take a bath with your sister! I couldn't stand the bulge of my sister who was growing before I knew it and got an erection! - I thought that I was not interested in my childish sister at home, but one day, my sister burst into the bath! He came in a swimsuit and said he was going to wash his back! I don't usually say that... Apparently friends ...

Estreinaldi data: 04/07/2019
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter