GDHH-089: Nire buruzagi tetonaren eta bion arteko harreman sekretua ezin dut lan egin, eta beti nago haserre nire buruzagi tetonarekin. -Baina badugu harreman bikaina buruzagiaren eta mendekoaren arteko lerroa zeharkatzen duena! -Biak bulegoan bakarrik daudenean, nire Ji Po-ren alde hain modu desatseginean, ezin duzu imajinatu beren ohiko itxuragatik!
The secret relationship between me and my busty female boss I can't work, and I'm always angry with my busty female boss. - But we have a cool relationship that crosses the line between boss and subordinate! - When the two of them are alone in the office, they beg for my Ji Po so nastyly that you can't imagine from their usual appearance!