HUNTA-407: "Sentitzen dut ondo sentitzen den bakarra izatea, baina hain bihurria bazara, egingo al duzu?" Nire ahaidearen izeba gurasoen etxera etorri zen, eta truke-arropa bat izan nuen, kasualitatez ikusi nuena. Hala ere, haserretu beharrean, izeba, nire erekzioa ikusi zuenean sutan zegoena, gurasoen sekretupean ezkutatu eta gonbidatu egin ninduen. Oso...
"I'm sorry that I'm the only one who feels good, but if you're so naughty, will you pull it?" My relative's aunt came to my parents' house and I got an erection in a changing clothes that I happened to see. However, instead of being angry, my aunt, who was on fire when she saw my erection, secretly hid from her parents and invited me. Very...