VRTM-327: -Giltza-andrea, bular handiekin, nire etxera etorri zen, bakarrik bizi naizen tokira! Nire Ji Po-k amatasun handiko erekzio osoa du! - Arduratsu sentitu al zinen, baina edoskitze leuna? -Ez nago pozik nire aurrean handiari eustearekin, eta ezin dut ekidin zaldi bat gordinki ibiltzea! -Askotan aldaka-mugimendu bortitz batez injekzio baginala jartzeko erregutu zuen! 2

- The housekeeper with big breasts came to my house where I live alone! My Ji Po has a full erection with big full of motherhood! - Did you feel responsible, but a gentle nursing! - I'm not satisfied with just holding the big in front of me, and I can't help but insert a horse riding raw! - She begged for vaginal shot many times with a violent hip shake! 2

Estreinaldi data: 02/09/2018
Betearazpena: 220 min
Ikasketa: V&R PRODUCE