HUNTA-410: -" Nire arrebak eyakulazio goiztiarra sendatuko du!" - Nire koinata, polita eta estilo aparta duena, bat-batean ni bihurtu zen. - Bizitza komunitario ezezaguna hasi da, baina nire arrebaren gelako arropa erradikalegia da eta kosta egiten zait hari begiratzea. -Inoiz ez dut emakume biluzirik ikusi, eta, beraz, estimulazioa indartsuegia da! Nire Ji Po-k erekzio bat dauka berarekin nagoen bezain laster. Hori...
- "My sister will cure premature ejaculation!" - My sister-in-law, who is cute and has outstanding style, suddenly became me. - An unfamiliar communal life has begun, but my sister's room clothes are too radical and I have trouble looking at them! - I've never seen a woman naked, so the stimulation is too strong! My Ji Po that gets an erection as soon as I'm with it. That...