HUNTA-417: -Ahizpa handi-handia oso kolpatzailea da! -Berehalako erekzio osoa! Nire arrebak nirekin bainatu nahi du denbora luzean lehen aldiz, eta harritu egin ninduen nire buztanak apur bat puztuta zeudela ikusteak, arrebarekin bainatu nintzenean, nahiz eta gauza bat zela pentsatu nuen! Gainera, oso deigarria da, gustatzen zaidan tamainarekin! - Nire arrebaren gorpua botatzen ari banintz, istorio tamalgarria izango litzateke, eta nire arrebaren aurpegia...

- The bulging sister is super do-strike! - Immediate full erection! My sister wants to take a bath with me for the first time in a long time, so I thought it was a mess, but when I took a bath with my sister, I was surprised to see that my chest was a little swollen! What's more, it's naturally super strike with the size I like! - If I was shedding my sister's body, it would be a pitiful story, and my sister's face ...

Estreinaldi data: 03/07/2018
Betearazpena: 220 min
Ikasketa: Hunter