HUNTA-418: Nire gurasoen etxea, landan bizi dena, ostatu pribatu bihurtu da! Hiriko bost ahizpa eder etortzen dira 2 gau eta 3 egunez elkarrekin geratu eta bizitzera! Oso pozik nago emakume hiritarrek duten xarma sofistikatuarekin, agian ez nagoelako ohituta emakumeentzat! Are gehiago, gurasoek esaten didate etxean bezala erabiltzeko, bezeroak erlaxatzeko...

My parents' house, who lives in the countryside, has become a private lodging! Five beautiful sisters from the city come to stay and live together for 2 nights and 3 days! I'm already very excited about the sophisticated charm of urban women, probably because I'm not used to women! What's more, my parents tell me to use it like home, so the female customers can relax ...

Estreinaldi data: 03/07/2018
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter