SCPX-259: -Aspaldidanik interesatu zaidan auzokideen artean ospe handia duen emazte ederra emakume transzendentea eta berdina zen! - Senarra kanpoan zegoela gonbidapena jaso nuenean, askotan eskatu zidaten eyakularra baginan eyakulatzeko, harik eta gomarik gabeko makila-egoerara itzuli eta tiro egiteari utzi nion arte.

- The beautiful wife who has a reputation in the neighborhood that I have been interested in for a long time was actually a transcendent equaled woman! - When I got on the invitation while my husband was away, I was asked to ejaculate in the vagina many times until I was turned back at the cowgirl position without rubber and stopped shooting!

Estreinaldi data: 03/23/2018
Betearazpena: 259 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce