SCPX-277: Deriheru, zure nagusiaren emaztea, ezkondutako emakume bati deitzen badiozu! Gainera, edertasun txukun eta garbia da! -Lanean lehen aldiz, sexu interkrural bat irakastearen itxurak egiten ditu, eta halakoxea txertatzen du! - Mendeko gazte eta gogorra ◟ ¡Una esposa desjuel que se desegite en Po! -" Atente!

If you call a married woman Deriheru, your boss's wife Mr./Ms.! Moreover, she is a super neat and clean beauty! - To her first time at work, pretend to teach her intercrural sex and insert it as it is! - A young and hard subordinate ● An unfaithful wife who sprees in Po! - "Stop it already!" - Convulsions on the verge of fainting ● Insert mercilessly many times and continuously vaginal shot!

Estreinaldi data: 06/08/2018
Betearazpena: 190 min
Ikasketa: K M Produce