HUNTA-580: - Zure amadiruruaren arrain gordinak maite badituzu, lehertzen jarraituko duzu kamaroiak desitxuratzen dituzun bitartean! Bat-batean ama amaigabe gazte eta eder bat zeukan! Gainera, badirudi ez duela sexu-harremanik izan aitarekin ia bi urtez, eta oso zapuztuta! Agian horrelako amagin bat axolagabea izaten delako izaten da, baina bere arrainak ikus ditzakezu sostengu flotagarri batean...

- If you knead your mother-in-law's super sensitive raw nipples, you will continue to explode while warping shrimp! Suddenly, I had a young and beautiful mother-in-law! Moreover, it seems that he has not had sex with his father for nearly two years, and he is super frustrated! Maybe it's because such a mother-in-law is usually careless, but you can see her nipples in a floating bra ...

Estreinaldi data: 04/07/2019
Betearazpena: 240 min
Ikasketa: Hunter