HUNTA-492: -Ez al da ia agerikoa zure bulekak ikusgai daudela?" - kulunkatzen diren bule handiek bainujantzi txikitik irteteko zorian daude! Herrialde tropikal bateko bainuetxe batean, nire begiak unibertsitate-ikasle tetonar talde bati itsatsita daude, normalean erabiltzen ez duten bainu-jantzi ausart eta txiki batean flotatzen dutenak...
- "Isn't it almost visible that your breasts are already visible?" - The big breasts that sway are about to spill out of the small swimsuit! !! At a spa resort in a tropical country, my eyes are glued to a group of busty female college students who are floating in a bold and small swimsuit that they usually don't wear ...