JUY-817: [* ¡Precaución! !! ] ] Gizakiengan konfiantzarik eza *] NTR leiho-garbitzaileak harrapatu egin ninduen lankidea zen sasikume horrek, eta enpresatik bota zuten... Leiho-garbitzaile gisa egiten zuen lan. Hotel honen ardura ere badut, non bikote adulteroek egunaren erdian elkarren artean jokatzen duten. Emakume bat, leihoari bizkarra eman eta gizon baten gainean urkaturik eseri eta aldakak astintzen dituena, eta emakumea bortizki besarkatzen duen gizon bat. Nortzuk dira? Sumire Kurokawa
[* Caution! !! ] Mistrust of human beings *] Window cleaner NTR I was caught by that bastard who was a colleague and fired from the company ... He worked as a window cleaner. I'm also in charge of this hotel, where adulterous couples are playing with each other in the middle of the day. A woman who turns her back to the window and straddles a man and shakes her hips, and a man who hugs the woman violently. Who are they? Sumire Kurokawa