NKKD-100: - Neska-lagun soil, okteto eta nerd batek dio"Mi comida favorita es la carne de Yoshi es un Sr./Sra. común ...", nire mutil-lagunari ezkutuan heldu nion eta apurka-apurka kendu nion, eta azkenean nire heldutasun gogokoena lortu nuen, eta ¡Ahhe cara de dubpy! * Egia esan, hain ondo sentitzen da, non" agur-aitorpena" ere badago... (izerdia).

- A sober, octet, and nerdy girlfriend who says "My favorite food is Yoshi beef is an ordinary Mr./Ms. ...", I secretly clung to my boyfriend and took it off little by little, and finally I got my favorite hold & Ahhe face dubpy! * By the way, it feels so good that there is also a "declaration of parting" ... (sweat).

Estreinaldi data: 10/07/2018
Betearazpena: 210 min
Ikasketa: JET Eizo