JUY-719: Madonnaren harreragile aktiboaren lehen lan dramatikoa! - Bere alabaren mutil-lagun birjinarekin sexua praktikatu behar duela uste da, baina kontrolik gabeko tren-makin batekin esnatzen da, eta ez da gelditzen, zenbat aldiz akmea duen kontuan hartu gabe. "Birjina zen arren, gazteen sexu-nahiari buruzko xaloa zen..." Satsuki Honkami

Madonna's exclusive active receptionist first drama work! - She is supposed to practice SEX with her daughter's virgin boyfriend, but she wakes up to a runaway locomotive that does not stop no matter how many times she gets acme! "Even though I was a virgin, I was naïve about the sexual desire of young people ..." Satsuki Honkami

Estreinaldi data: 01/07/2019
Betearazpena: 120 min
Aktorea: Satsuki Honjo
Ikasketa: MADONNA