SDJS-010: Maiko Ayase 46 urteko erreklutamenduko publizitate sailaren 1.urtea ¡Eres demasiado adeitsua, Sr./ Sra. Ayase! Nire bizitzan lehen aldiz, 2019ko SODko langileen erreklutamendu-elkarrizketara etorri ziren aita eta seme baten adin bera duen unibertsitate-ikasle birjina bat ez dira ezagutzen!
1st year of mid-career recruitment advertising department Maiko Ayase 46 years old You're too kind, Mr./Ms. Ayase! For the first time in my life, a virgin college student who is about the same age as a parent and a child who came to the 2019 SOD employee recruitment interview is brushed down!