HUNTA-563: -Izter biluzia bada, ez da abentura bat... (Oh ~ baina sartu nahi dut ...) Igurtzitzea besterik ez da... (Oh ~ por favor inserte ...)" -Koinatu desatsegina, izter biluzia duen gertaera baten itxurak eginez! Nire koinatua oso ederra da, baina errukia sentitzen dut beragatik! - Nire anaiak ez du batere aintzat hartzen, eta lanpetuta...

"If it's a bare thigh, it's not an affair ... (Oh ~ but I want to insert it ...) It's just rubbing in... (Oh ~ please insert ...)" - A nasty brother-in-law who directs insertion by pretending to be a happening herself with a bare thigh! My brother-in-law is very beautiful, but I feel sorry for her! - A couple at night who is not dealt with at all by my brother who is busy with work ...

Estreinaldi data: 03/07/2019
Betearazpena: 230 min
Ikasketa: Hunter