SETM-013: Ispilu magikoa, Tokioko andereñoen unibertsitate nagusietako batera joaten den unibertsitate-ikasle oso hezi bati 100 hitz zikin esaten uzten badiozu, orban bat sortuko al duzu zure galtza zuri puruetan? … Ondorioz, aldez aurretik jolasik behar ez duen busti busti batean zure gordinki sartzea eskatzen duzu! 2

The Magic Mirror If you let a highly educated female college student who attends one of Tokyo's leading young lady colleges say 100 dirty words, will you create a stain on your pure white pants? … As a result, estrus so much that you ask for your own, raw insertion into a wet wet that does not require foreplay! 2

Estreinaldi data: 05/23/2024
Betearazpena: 145 min
Ikasketa: SOD Create