VOSS-138: -Auzokoa alargun tetona bat da! 2. Aldatzen nintzen lekuari agur egiteko ondoko gela bisitatu nuenean, alargun eder bat agertu zen, bere frustraziora bere indar guztiekin, bere bular handiak sostengatu gabe erakusten zituen bitartean. - Nire itzulera-orduan apuntatuz, bera logelara etortzen da eta bere titiak etengabe presionatzeko, beraz, egingo dut
- The neighbor is a busty widow! 2 When I visited the next room to greet the place where I was moving, what appeared was a beautiful widow who appealed to her frustration with all her might while showing off her braless big breasts! - Aiming for my return time, she comes to the room and persistently presses her boobs, so I'm just