GIGL-558: Gizonezko beisbol talde bateko entrenatzaile bihurtu nintzenean, haur-eskola batean beisbolean murgilduta zegoen gazte bat izan ondoren... Auzokoak nire amarekin zuen adin-desberdintasunaren adikzioa zen, / Sra., nire gorputz gazte eta tonifikatuan dontzeila bat bezala zaindu ninduena, nire senarra eta seme-alabarik gabe tonifikatua.

When I became the coach of a boys' baseball team after I was a youth who was immersed in baseball at a boys' school ... I was addicted to the age difference neighborhood affair with my mom Mr./Ms. who took care of me like a maiden like a maiden in my young and toned body without my husband and children

Estreinaldi data: 08/23/2019
Betearazpena: 112 min
Ikasketa: GIGOLO (Gigolo)