KRU-058: Antzerki eldarnio ez errealistak zure nahiak beteko ditu! "Denbora, atxilotu!" Zer gertatuko litzateke denbora geldiaraziko lukeen superboter bat erabili ahal izango bazenu? Erizaintza-espezial bat ospitalean! Oraingoan, erizain eder eta tetona asko lanean ari direla esaten den ospitalean sartu! Denbora geldituko dut, eta Sr./Sra. bata zuriko aingeruak ~! bilduma

Unrealistic delusional theater will fulfill your wishes! "Time, stop!" What if you could use a superpower that could stop time? Nurse Special at the Hospital! This time, infiltrate the hospital where it is rumored that many beautiful busty nurses are working! I'm going to stop time and Mr./Ms. to the angels in white coats ~! compilation

Estreinaldi data: 09/13/2019
Betearazpena: 400 min
Ikasketa: Karma