NNPJ-00231bod: Berriro aurkitu nuen Nampa hirian! Ekoizlearen historian gerri-erabiltzailerik indartsuena! Jenio hutsa! Ingenua Ikasle Inigualable Risa-chan 20 años de edad AV Debut Nampa JAPAN EXPRESS Vol.48 (Blu-ray Disc) (BOD)

I found it again in the local city of Nampa! The strongest waist user in the history of the manufacturer! Cowgirl genius! Naïve Unequaled Student Risa-chan 20 Years Old AV Debut Nampa JAPAN EXPRESS Vol.48 (Blu-ray Disc) (BOD)

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DVD-ID: NNPJ-00231bod
Estreinaldi data: 10/01/2019
Betearazpena: 150 min
Ikasketa: Nanpa JAPAN