SKMJ-508: Kolegioen miresmen-objektua! Eskolako maistrarik ederrenari eskatu nion sexu-hezkuntzako klase baten izenpean pantimedia gordinen sexu interkruralari aurre egiteko! -Egun osoan zutik atrilean, Mulle Mureko pantimedia gordinen kontra ukitze handi bat, eta ardura gorritu egiten da! Pantimediak zuku bihurriz estalita daude! -Hala, frijitu gordina eta pitzadura likatsu batetik zintzilik amaitzen da...
The object of admiration of schoolboys! I asked the most beautiful female teacher in the school to challenge raw pantyhose intercrural sex under the name of a sex education class! - Standing at the lectern all day, a big rubs against Mulle Mure's raw pantyhose and blushes estrus! Pantyhose are covered with naughty juice! - As it is, rub it raw and end up hanging on to a slimy crack ...