MOGI-134: - [Primera toma] Hortz bikoitz politak dituen unibertsitate-ikasle txiki batek biolin-denborarekin negutegi batean hazi zen neska batek gauza erotikoetan interesa du 147 cm-ko haur-aurpegi bat duen neska lotsatu batek duela gutxi AV Yuran, Yura Tsumugin, ikusi nuen arrain-lamido bat probatu nahi du.
- [First shot] A small female college student with cute double teeth A boxed girl who grew up in a greenhouse with a hobby of violin is interested in erotic things A cheeky young lady with a 147 cm baby face wants to try a nipple licking that I recently saw in AV Yura, 21 years old Yura Tsumugi