KAM-168: Bideo filtratua, Kanto Pastillas inguruan aspalditik ezarritako ostatu bateko jabeak filmatua, emakume elkarte bateko kontsolamendu-bidaia batean emakume eder bati zuzendutako lotarako ◣ Video 2 Bideo 2 "Por favor, beba libremente" ostatu hartu nuen ostatuko gela bat, eta logelan jarritako edari bat, ekintza azkarreko lo egiteko pilula ugarirekin nahastu ziren... Ayumi Natsukawa
Leaked video shot by the owner of a certain long-established inn in the Kanto area Sleeping pills aimed at a beautiful wife on a women's association comfort trip ● rape ● Video 2 A room of the inn where I stayed "Please drink freely" and a drink placed in the room were mixed with a large amount of fast-acting sleeping pills ... Ayumi Natsukawa