NPJS-034: Kentzen duzunean, atleta tonifikatu baten gorputz bat daukazu! Atletismoko erretiroaren azken torneoan erabat erre ninduten egunean hartu ninduten, eta sexua bi urtez sexuarekin izan nahi nuen, beraz, maitasunezko hotel batera joan nintzen zuzenean, eta butch giri-a irabazi nuen, Michi-chan sexu-desira agortezinarekin.
When you take it off, you have a super toned athlete body! I was picked up the day after I was completely burned in the last tournament of my retirement from athletics, and I wanted to have sex with sex for two years, so I went straight to a love hotel and won the butch giri with inexhaustible sexual desire Michi-chan