DVDMS-487: AV Workplace Colleague generoko monitore orokorra Negozio-hotel batean negozio-bidaia batean, emakume heldu bat eta haur junior bat bakarrik daude eta gela partekatu batean hartzen dute ostatu. Lantoki berean dagoen gizon eta emakume bat, bat-batean bata bestearen atzetik gertatzen diren gertaera bihurriekin hurbildu zirenak, enpresarentzat sekretua den itsastxintxa gordinaren sexua dute! Biharamuneko lana ahaztu eta bertan murgildu nintzen... 3
General Gender Monitoring AV Workplace Colleague Surprise Planning At a business hotel on a business trip, a longing female senior and a junior boy are alone and stay in a shared room! A man and a woman in the same workplace who suddenly approached with naughty happenings that occur one after another have raw squirrel sex that is secret to the company! I forgot about the next day's work and was immersed in it ... 3