HMN-539: Egonezinik nengoen eta emakume on batekin herrialde tropikal batera joan nintzen, baina arrainak bakarrik ukitu nituen nire gelan eta ez nuen sexu-harremanik izan. Tokiora itzuli eta hotelera gonbidatu nuenean, uko egiteko moduan, 12 aldiz sexunatu ninduten, desagertu arte. Akari Mitani

I was impatient and went on a trip with a good woman in a tropical country, but I only touched my and nipples at my place of stay and did not have sex. When I returned to Tokyo and invited him to the hotel in giving up mode, I was sexed 12 times until I was watered down. Akari Mitani

Estreinaldi data: 04/23/2024
Betearazpena: 170 min
Aktorea: Akari Mitani
Ikasketa: Hon Naka