SKMJ-210: Neskas amateur ○ ¡Gachina Nampa cruda! Hirira doazen ikasleek 100.000 yen erosteko proiektuari aurre egiten diote, 20 ml semen bildu ahal badituzu"! -Oso lotsatia bada ere, Ji Po bere lagunak ilaran mantentzen ditu! - "Oraindik itzali dezakezu... //" eta berriro zutitu, itsastxintxa gordinaren tentazioarekin, eta azken tantaraino esprimitu. Guztira, 15 injekzio eta 1,2 litro semen hartu ziren 4 SP!
Amateur girls ○ Raw Gachina Nampa! Student men and women who go to the city challenge "100,000 yen acquisition project if you can collect 20 ml of semen"! - While being extremely shy, she keeps her friends Ji Po in a row! - "You can still put it out ... //" and re-erect with raw squirrel temptation and squeeze out to the last drop! A total of 15 shots and 1.2L of semen were taken in 4 groups SP!