MOGI-127: [Primer tiro] Emakumezkoen Unibertsitateak D kopako 3.urteko ikasle-ongizatea aktiboa du, begi luzeekin eta haragi moderatuarekin, Esperimentatutako pertsonen kopurua txikia da, baina berak eskarmentua du bere mutil-lagun ohiarekin eta SM leunarekin, eta Chiaki Terayama 21 urte ditu.

[First shot] Active women's college 3rd year student learning welfare D-cup beauty with long eyes and fair skin with moderate flesh Chiaki Terayama, 21 years old, who has a small number of experienced people but has experience with her ex-boyfriend and soft SM and likes the back Chiaki, 21 years old

Estreinaldi data: 04/11/2024
Betearazpena: 165 min
Ikasketa: SOD Create