SDMU-625: Talentu handia aurkitu nuen landan! Shirakawa herrixkatik, 20 urtez Gifuko prefekturatik, inoiz irten ez den ikasle unibertsitario xalo bat da egun bakar batean lehen aldiz Tokiora joaten den lehena, azken trena baino 6 ordu lehenago, landako aire garbian hazi zen G kopari begira.

I found a super talent in the countryside! A naïve female college student who has never stepped out of Shirakawa Village, Gifu Prefecture for 20 years is the first to go to Tokyo for the first time in just one day, the first shot 6 hours until the last train, look at the natural G cup that grew up in the clean air of the countryside.

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Estreinaldi data: 06/15/2017
Betearazpena: 130 min
Aktorea: Iori ..., Iori
Ikasketa: SOD Create