JUY-700: [* ¡Precaución! !! ] ] Gizakiengan konfiantzarik eza※] Familia-bidaia NTR Nire emaztea, anaia gaztea eta emaztea ur termalen ostatura etorri ziren aitaren itzulera ospatzeko. Urtemuga grabatzeko denbora guztian bideo-kamera batekin grabatzen aritu nintzen, baina... Geroago, bideoa editatzeko ikusi nuenean, lo geratu nintzen gure aurrean, aitarekin gelan hizketan.
[* Caution! !! ] Distrust of human beings※] Family trip NTR My wife and younger brother and his wife came to the hot spring inn to celebrate my father's return. I was recording with a video camera all the time to record the anniversary, but ... Later, when I watched it to edit the video, I fell asleep first in front of us chatting with my father in the room.