DVDMS-121: Gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen monitoreo orokorra AV Rookie Gravure Idol Limited! 100.000 yen txupito bakoitzeko! Hemen etengabeko eyakulazio txapelketa egingo da, gertaera handiz betea! - Gravurek bere debuta egin berri du, eta dirua du, baina harreman sexual gordina du lehen aldiz ezaguna ez den Kun birjina batekin. -Hartu baginala, ez du bukatzen omako ametsetan! 15 tiroko 4 talde guztira
General Male and Female Monitoring AV Rookie Gravure Idol Limited! 100,000 yen per shot! A continuous ejaculation tournament full of big will be held here! - Gravure, who has just made her debut, has money but has a brush down raw sexual intercourse with a virgin Kun who is not popular for the first time! - Continuous vaginal shot that does not end in dreaming omako! 4 groups of 15 shots in total